by Gilla Band
Heard with LD some place on Ingersoll Av in Des Moines. This kind of thing is her jam 💗
Heard with LD some place on Ingersoll Av in Des Moines. This kind of thing is her jam 💗
First listened to this with SB in Iowa City at his place. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This is one of the most magnificent pieces of music I’ve heard in my life and I hope to hear it before I leave.
Saw this on an Apple ad. I think almost everyone did.
Absolutely majestic.
I may have listened to this on loop for close to the entire week I discovered it. Found out later that the bro who doesn’t sing and barely dances is the producer of this song, a chap who goes by the name Intense.
This was my first MF DOOM track.
Heard this at the Blazing Saddle.
Heard this at The Picador in Iowa City
LR suggested this. Love the album art.
Phenomenal rendition of Saeen by Junoon.
This is mad and I love it.
This is the saddest piece of music I’ve listened to.
This is the saddest ambient album I’ve listened to, bar none.
A YouTube algorithm suggestion. Imagined a wasp bobbing around.
Heard this on “The Jackal” when I was about 14 or so and I was blown away. An all-time favorite
One of the greatest songs to ride a road bike to 🙌
An Iowa City favorite. We probably played this about 14,715 times.
I’d never heard this prior to 2009 and could not believe that it was recorded 43 years earlier.
ZK introduced me to this Serbian Elvis in Iowa City.
This is balm for the soul.
The very first song SN and I listened to at his place in Iowa City.
Ian Gee was listening to this on the bus in Iowa City in October 2007. I fell in love with it instantly. He then told me about Black Moth Super Rainbow.
Like a warm bath. Recommended to me by a guy named Mark in Iowa City at Quinton’s.
Off the “Drive” soundtrack. Fuckin’ A.
I saw them in Iowa City during the “Mission Creek” festival. I enjoyed tears of joy at their live performance of this song.
When down, this to be played on loop and you must dance to it.
Heard this of the “Twilight” soundtrack.
My God. A new hope, a chance to start fresh (almost). This song is “All is forgiven”. I love it so much.
Fixed printers to this. Waited for the bus to take me from MERF to across the river to this. Wasted a lot of my time but it was made better listening to this.
Mad. Heard this at La Boheme in Ames, Iowa when I was a wee lad.
Had to look up the meanings of a few words. Absolute majesty of a song.
On the soundtrack of the desi version of “Spiderman”
Not noise.
Oh Ames, Iowa 🥲
“Sepulchral” is the SAT word that keep popping up in my head as I heard this.
How can someone come up with something this beautiful?
This is probably my favorite piece of music. As of 2024, I probably wouldn’t mind if this were the last thing I listened to before I died.
Heard in Ames in around 2002 I think. Beautiful.
“Jack white has lost his mind and I love it.”
Heard this at Akebono in Downtown DSM.
Heard this at a house party in Iowa City around 2010.
Heard on a show (Hand of God) I couldn’t finish.
Heard this on a Mission: Impossible soundtrack. Badass. The only other BS song your average person is aware of.