five braindumps

Note 0005

One could use one’s talent and platform to speak of issues that really matter in a few ways. One is to settle a juvenile ‘beef’ on a national stage, making sure to pepper your tantrum with the small amount of lazy symbolism needed for it to be construed to be something more than what it was: a creat…

Note 0004

I decided to log into my old Twitter account after many years on a whim. I follow no one and have 39 followers. I saw nothing on my feed but its owner’s boosted posts, a ton of crypto content, Pepe and anti-woke incendiaries, and heavily lopsided political ragebait. It felt like looking through my S…

Note 0002

Perhaps not as incredibly astounding as this overlay of Spectre1 on the opening credits of the movie but this one of How to Disappear Completely over a few scenes from Lost in Translation just fits somehow. From the comments: “It was a wise decision to go with Sam Smith’s Writings on the wall. A med…